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Benefits of Using Air Curtains & How Does An Air Curtain Work?

Air Curtain

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How do you keep insects, hot air, or gas fumes out of your restaurant or store? If you are paying a high cost on the maintenance of your air conditioner or heater, this guide would be really helpful for you. What if we told you that there is one solution for all these problems!
We would suggest you to put up some money in an air curtain as an investment for your business. Air curtain may sound similar to an air conditioner but it’s an entirely different device. Take a look at this quick read that would simplify how does an air curtain work and how you could reap its numerous benefits.

How does an Air Curtain work?

An air curtain helps in creating an invisible barrier between the inside and outside air. It offers a blast of jet air with high velocity that blocks all the openings. Thus separating the inner atmosphere from the harsh cold or hot air in the outer environment.
The air enters through an inlet grille in this motor-powered device, it passes through a fan that helps expedite the flow of air. It further goes into the plenum that evenly distributes air to move from the nozzle. The nozzle is fitted with airfoil vanes to blow air in a uniform manner. The 80% of jet stream air travels back from the intake side of the air curtain and the rest flows into the atmosphere.
Most of the air curtains come equipped with a filter that acts as a wall to refine the jet stream from dust and dirt particles. This filter also protects the air curtain’s components from dust damage that could hinder its functioning.

Benefits of using Commercial Air Curtain

  1. Saves Air Conditioning & Heater Cost
    An air curtain keeps the outside air locked at the door and also doesn’t allow the inside air to pass through the barrier. This retains the air from the air conditioning or heater inside the property. The air conditioners or heaters can maintain an optimum temperature which could help reduce the energy cost.
  2. Keeps out Mosquitoes & Insects
    The high-velocity jet stream passed from the air curtain prevents any unwanted insects or mosquitoes from flying through the door. The jet stream is so powerful that any insect or bug entering the barrier would just be blown into the outside environment. When there are
  3. Filters Dust, Odour, & Pollution
    Air curtains have filters to absorb bad odours and pollution from the environment. The filter takes in all the invisible dust and dirt particles from the inside air, allowing the air curtain to only discharge clean air into the inside space. If you have a clothing store or cafeteria, this feature of an air curtain will be extremely profitable in maintaining your garment products or keeping the inside air squeaky clean.
  4. Stabilises Indoor Temperature
    Investing in a commercial air curtain will aid you in stabilising the indoor temperature of your store or business. As an air curtain blocks the flow of air through the door, it prevents the mixing of outside air even during extremely hot or chilling days. The inside air temperature remains perfectly uniform and comfortable.
  5. Supports Open Door for Businesses
    It’s a fact that open-door stores or cafes feel more inviting and welcoming to customers. Using an air curtain you can always keep your doors open day and night in any weather without inviting deadly flies or mosquitoes into your establishment.
  6. Improves Air Quality
    Air curtains also filter out pollution that goes into our lungs in the form of particulate matter. The filter removes particles from the inside air, therefore improving the air quality in the inside environment. The air discharged in the inner space is filtered and free from any harmful particles.
  7. Increases Staff & Customer Satisfaction
    The air curtain maintains a comfortable temperature in your business, it keeps your staff and customer happy when they walk inside. In winter, when it’s unbearably cold outside people are overjoyed to walk into a store with a heated environment. It’s the same in the hot summer season. Even the staff is satisfied when working in a temperature-balanced space.
  8. Promotes Hygienic Environment
    Air curtains with heated jet stream keep the entrance dry when it’s raining or snowing outside. It reduces the chances of wet footprints in your store. They also restrict the flow of undesirable insects and flies into your business area. It provides a healthy and hygienic environment for you and your customers.

We have understood how does an air curtain work and its unending benefits if rightly installed at your business store. An air curtain would surely increase the profitability of your establishment. Ensure that you are aware of the features and functions of the air curtain before you make the final purchase. Decide the type of air curtain based on your company type and its demands.

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